
Bean & Ham Soup

Here's where I get into trouble with cooking: apparently you're supposed to follow recipes. I am detail-oriented in every other aspect of my life but, for whatever reason, when it comes to recipes I struggle.

The Bean & Ham Soup was my first experience with a slow cooker. It's supposed to cook for 10 hours. That sounded ridiculous to me - so I tried 5 hours (on high) without success. After hour 4 I ladled the contents of my slow cooker into a large pot and simmered it on the stove. The broth didn't want to thicken so I added 3 tablespoons of corn starch mixed with water.

It was somewhat of a disaster.

Bay leaves are gross. Some of the reviewers on Allrecipes suggested adding them but I wish I hadn't. I also added a clove of garlic and a can of chicken broth. I have no idea if either of these ingredients made for more flavorful soup, but they didn't hurt.

The great thing about this recipe is that you can buy pre-cooked and cubed ham. Due to my immense fear of raw meat, I am a fan. I will likely make it again - but will use more chicken broth and less water.

On a side note, my slow cooker rocks. It has a lid that can be clamped down to prevent spills when transporting. It also came with a super stylin' green gingham carrying case.

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Hamilton Beach Stay/Go Slow Cooker

Grandma B's Bean Soup
Submitted by: Reneerent
Rated: 4 out of 5 by 23 members
Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Hours
Ready In: 16 Hours 15 Minutes
Yields: 8 servings
"A simple slow cooker bean and ham soup. It's delicious!"
1 pound dry navy beans
3 carrots, peeled and shredded
2 medium potatoes, peeled and
3 stalks celery, sliced
1 medium onion, diced
2 cups cubed cooked ham
1. Place the beans in a slow cooker with enough water to cover, and soak 6 to 8 hours, or overnight.
2. Drain the beans, and return to the slow cooker. Cover with water, and mix in the carrots, potatoes, celery, onion, and ham.
3. Cover slow cooker, and cook soup on High for 3 1/2 hours. Switch to Low, and continue cooking at least 6 1/2 hours. The longer it cooks the more flavorful it becomes.
Nutrition Info (per serving)
Calories 337 (17% from fat) | Protein 22g | Fat 6.8g (sat 2.4g) | Carbohydrate 48g | Fiber 10.8g | Cholesterol 32mg | Iron 4mg | Sodium 47mg | Calcium 118mg

1 comment:

Educational Adventures - Project Travel said...

Needless to say, you are once again my hero. I'm in Bishkek, watching seals give birth on National Geographic (my new favorite channel as its the ONLY one in English) and reading cooking advise from my Ooms... Blogs. Man. They're the best.